Holidays in Poland are famous for low prices in Krakow and tourist resorts. When going on holiday, many people also plan to indulge in adult entertainment. Many tourists wonder how much prostitutes in Krakow cost. How much do you have to pay for a hooker in Krakow? Is there a red light district in Kraków? There is nothing better than cheap polish Hookers in Krakow!
The prices of hookers in Krakow vary depending on which one you choose. Younger and prettier girls are more expensive, while older and overweight ones accept clients at much lower prices. Where to look for prostitutes in Poland and in Kraków?
Unlike, for example, the famous Amsterdam, Krakow does not have a specific district in which to expect ladies offering their services. There is no red light district in Kraków. Most offers of prostitutes in Poland can be found on the internet on several popular websites. The price of an hour with a prostitute varies between 200 and 500 PLN. The more expensive ones are usually younger girls taking fewer clients. Ordering a woman to a hotel will require additional charges.
The cheapest prostitutes in Poland are those who can be found on the street. They cost from 50 to 200 PLN but using their services is quite a risky game. It is therefore worth being wary of suspicious services offered on the street especially in the area of Stary Kleparz near the centre of Krakow and a few minutes’ walk from the Market Square. Most clients therefore use the services of girls who receive clients in private flats.
If you catch an STD in Krakow you may need to go to a pharmacy. Here is a list of 24-hour pharmacies in Kraków.
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