Is There a Paid Parking Zone in Krakow on Saturday? Is Parking Free?

Parking in Krakow is not the most pleasant thing to do because of the very high parking fees. Many people coming to Krakow at the weekend wonder if there is a zone in Krakow on Saturday. Is parking in Krakow pay zone on Saturday?

The paid parking zone in Krakow operates in the city centre and has been extended for many years and already reaches very far from the centre of Krakow. The fee for parking depends on the time of parking and the zone in which the car is located.

Is parking in Krakow’s zones payable on Saturday? If you are going to Krakow on Saturday, we do not have good news for you.

Parking in Krakow on Saturdays is charged the same as on weekdays. The zone operates in Krakow also on Saturdays and additionally on the same hours as on weekdays. Parking is therefore charged and is expensive.

All information about the paid parking zone in Krakow, including the zones, rates and rules of operation, can be found on the website of the Road Authority of the City of Krakow in Krakow and on information boards located in the zone.

Summary: Is Saturday parking in the zone payable in Krakow? Unfortunately the answer to this question is yes. There is a paid parking zone in Krakow on Saturdays and parking is paid.

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