How Many Days for Krakow? Is 2 Days Enough or 3 or 4?

Krakow is one of the most popular tourist cities in Poland. Krakow is visited both by Polish and foreign tourists. Many people wonder how many days are worth visiting Krakow. How many days are needed to visit Krakow? For how many days to come to Krakow? Is 2 or 3 days enought to see Krakow in Poland? Let us check it out!

There are many more or less interesting places to visit in Krakow, but as a matter of fact there are only a few really high class monuments in the city, which can in any way compete with the monuments of Venice, Rome, Amsterdam or London. A normal tourist does not need to visit a dozen or so churches in Krakow or walk through every park in the city. They are not such attractive places at all.

Most people come to Krakow to see only the most important and popular sights. In fact, there are only a few exceptional places here that should be on the list with the inscription: Must Visit.

In Krakow it is worth seeing the Market Square and the Old Town, the Wawel Royal Castle, from Krakow you can take a trip to the Wieliczka Salt Mine and visit the museum at the former Auschwitz concentration camp in Oswiecim near the city. No need to go to a botanical garden or to the zoo because in other cities in Europe such attractions are better than in Krakow.

If you are going to Krakow and you don’t need to see all the insignificant places such as the Jordan Park, Kościuszko Mound, Błonia or the Wolski Forest, it is best to arrive in Krakow on Thursday evening or on Friday first thing in the morning and leave Krakow on Monday late in the evening.

A weekend extended by one day is enough to eat in a few good restaurants, walk around the Main Square to see the Barbican, Planty and Florian’s Gate. Another day can be devoted to visiting the Wawel Royal Castle and strolling around Kazimierz or Podgórze or visiting a few smaller or larger museums. The next two days you can separately go to Oświęcim and visit the Salt Mine in Wieliczka near Krakow. If you don’t want to visit Auschwitz or the Wieliczka Salt Mine, a weekend trip to Krakow is more than enough.

How many days do I need to visit Krakow? To see the most important sights, which are in fact the most important places, 3 or 4 full days are enough. A trip to Krakow for a longer period of time makes sense only for people with a refined taste for tourism, who absolutely must see every artificial reservoir or park in the city they visit.

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