Are Krakow Bars and Restaurants Open?

In uncertain times for tourists, in many places around the world local authorities introduce various bans, orders and restrictions. In Poland it was the same, so many people wonder if bars, clubs and restaurants in Krakow are open. Are pubs and restaurants in Krakow normally open?

If you were worried that bars, restaurants, cafes and clubs in Krakow were closed, we can reassure you. The Polish authorities closed the eateries „for a two-week period” in autumn 2020 and they re-opened in late spring 2021 and have been operating normally ever since.

Both clubs and cafés, restaurants and bars in Krakow are open and welcoming both inside and in the gardens in front of the premises.

In Poland and in Kraków, you do not need a covid passport or test results to use food services. In Krakow, bars and restaurants are open to everyone regardless of gender, race, religion or vaccination status. You can come without fear.

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